RE:RE:RE:RE:Leigh Curyer Interview at PDACThe increase in the temperature of Lake Ontario is imperceptably small. The water is taken from the deepest parts of the lake where it is cool and injected back there. The Lake temperature barely changes since the volume taken out is a few million gallons but the lake volume is 1640 cubic kilometers = 433242165867363.4 gallons. Any heat from those buildings is not even a drop in the bucket so to speak.
However the pumps to move the water and the fans to blow the air around are all electric as are the lights and let's not forget Ontarios desire to lead the world in electric vehicle adoption. It all takes electricity and 60% of it is from nuclear power.
In the burbs as you say all those humming A/C plants in the summer all need power.
CCO and GE supply all the fuel for Ontarios nuclear plants...and Ontario's electricity is about 98% free of CO2 emissions. No coal is used, no oil is used and a bit of gas for peaking.
There are few jurisdictions that come close to what Ontario has achieved by using safe and reliable nuclear power. From a health perspective smog days in Ontario are down from 53 per year 8 years ago to zero in 2017. The health benefits from reduced hosptal visits and declining lung disease rates are impressive.
Nuclear is a huge net benefit to the Ontario economy and will be for many years to come.