Interesting factoidUp until the prohibition of cannabis that began in the 1930s it is estimated that every US citizen in the preceding 100 years would have used some form of cannabis medicine either as dried bud, tablet, liquid extract or impregnated sticking plasters. What is also interesting, taking Europe as an example, is that cannabis imports from Asia, Africa and South America have more or less completely collapsed in recent years. Instead Europe is now growing the vast bulk of its own cannabis from seed. Much of this is coming from greenhouses and many of these belong to private individuals becoming self sufficient. You might expect that the misguided government policies that made cannabis illegal would have handed control of the cannabis industry over to organised criminal gangs just as American prohibition of alcohol handed control of alcohol (and revenues) to the mafia. Yet cannabis seems to have escaped from the grip of the criminal world that runs the hard drug business. Instead cannabis has found its ways into private greenhouses, indoor growrooms and countryside fields and here it will surely stay.