RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Ergizio Bianchinistill possible schocor, but that was then, this is now and this is a discussion board, ask yourself this question, if they do not partner, and you get another dime financing (for 50 million for a FS) with millions and millions and millions of new dime shares, or lower, how will this ever get past 20 cents. This "run" is based on a belief that a potential partner is talking and is interested. It is not a run on a belief that another financing is in the works. If they announce a partner, watch the flood of selling into the rising bids. If 50 mil financing, going alone, crash and burn, permanently, then the only thing I have missed is a good short, I have been right, and I have been wrong, see how many pumperdumpers admit to that ever, you wont find one, and that you can take to the bank. Difference for me at this point is the interviews and conference call, with the discussion (and rumor) about partners. Wasn't in the works a year ago. If you do not review your investing decisions regularly, your probably still stuck watching VHS/betamax, listening to cassettes or 8 tracks and typing on a 384 computer. I don't pump, and I don't bash, my preference is to have an adult discussion with other posters. When I am realistic, and things look glum, pumpers call me a basher, and bashers call me a pumper when things are looking up, or, even better, old time longs believe both. Remember, above all else, this is a discussion board, and in this new reality, I have never seen a discussion board, with a couple of hundred reads, influence the price of a stock since the old 384 computer days and everyone was using American Online, You Got Mail and it took 10 mins to load a jpg. That said, Twitter could cause a flutter, hint hint, anyone? Ollie, you on Twitter as we speak? Rotlfmfao. Good luck.