RE:The Uranium numbers I watchAgree, great post with very useful information as usual but a question. A fuel stringer is how big in general ? What does it look like and of course most important what does it weigh ? About 2580 LBS ??
When the world consumption total hits 200 fuel stringers per day, that will equate to 504,000 LBS of Uraium needed - PER DAY. Using a consumpotion figure of 184,000,000 LBS/YR . Sound right ?
And as Uranium consumption continues to rise to 200 M LBS/YR and beyond, this will rise to 550,000 LBS PER DAY.
MCCarthur River is closed for the year. Cigar Lake is what 20 M LBS/YR of production so about 40 days and that's it - they are out. World production right now iis not even 150 M LBS/YR is it ? And spot is stuck at $ 22 and change and nobody makes any money. This is a crazy situation. Utiilities purchasing guys must be on some island with their heads in the sand. But on the other hand, they can invest as well.....HMMM
This is definitely a WHEN situation building every - single - day. Can see the wave coming and may make 2007 pale in comparison. NXE and a few others looking quite nice these days. But still like watching paint dry.