HI there, (Identillect - ID.v)

As you all know, I am a big fan of ID's and strong beleiver that this stock will be above 1$ in this year.

There are several reasons ahaed of us, but first, let's look at what's behind to understand where we are and also, understand that current valuation is not pricing this at all.

First, the big picture of ID is securing E-mail. They have a top notch product called Delivery trust that as been tested and tested again by Hackaton most famous hacker, Qubechain specialist in IT security, and from the insiders of the company - tier 1 top notch cryptographers.

Not only their product are the mots secured one on the market, it is also working on all platform and is friendly users. It is important to underline the friendly users part because lot of breach are currently due to security features not properly operated by internal employee from firms. The easy aspect make it way more likely for employee to uses it first, and use it properly. Also, the multi factor allow to generate the maximum level of security will diversifying password so making any hack way less likely. This key aspect also witness ID deep understanding of the corporation need in term of large scale implementation of security protection.

Now on company revenus :

- Signature of First Majectic. A multinational in BILLION of market caps. With more than 2 thousands employee. This is huge, the recognition and revenus from this are substential for a early stage company as ID.

- SIgnature of Bar of Arkansas et a lot of association from different state. You gotta picture the fact that ID's is targetting client that have a way lower cost to pay their solution than the cost of a potential breach. If you add on top of this that ID' is targeting association so they can do Top/Down networking. By convicing 3-4 persons at the top of the chain, you get to reach 1000+ people (the professional in the network). This is a huge Cost efficient methods to scale big rapidly and at a low COST

- ID general product have heatlhy margin of 70% + NET. This is huge. Industry wise, when you hit 40% you are really good. Not only the margin are high, but it's reccuring revenus. Most of the custommers will never leave the payment plan as long as ID keep having a good solution, which they did for the last three year.

Now on the market general and what's upcomming.

You gotta think wider than you personnal life :

- HIPPAA legislation in USA: Already in force. 1 million / breach / user. That means UBER breach of Sony breach would have cost 100 000 000 +++ in $$$ if they were under that law when the breach occured. The cost of paying few million to reduce the risk of this happenning is just a no brainer for theses multinational

- Europe is coming even stronger than USA with the legislation taking force in April 2018 :  The fine are going to be up to 4% of gross REVENUS. That means, for exemple, IF Volkwagen would have breached data instead of enviro rules, it would have cost something like 200 000 000.... this is insane!

- Canada a unlocked an historical 500 millions + for cyber security. They plan to copy and reproduce Europe legislation by this fall (as Morneau said in his budget)

- You gotta picture the fact that people and company act not PROACTIVLY (ahead of) but reactivly (in reaction of) when it comes to PREVENTING something that did not happens (in general). So, legislation is going to occur and as soon as 1 default company will get million +++ fees, other will rush the doors to get IT protection plan like ID is offering. I am not saying it will not come earlier, but April and May specially are going to be huge month for good company with product that solve or reduce the breah potential at all informatic peneration level.

- Finally, think bigger bigger bigger picture. We (the world) are going digital. China expect to be cashless by 2025. We send e-mail more than paper letter since 2008. Everything we do (sport, social, payment, information, etc) is with directly or indirectly with a computer. 

What do you think is an immediate NEED to minimize theses threats?
E-mail is the Easy way for hackers. Who never got spam that was finally phising?
Or fake banking stuff to get you fill fake form to get your banking information?

It's comming and it's comming big. I advised investors to load in Marijuana play ahead of Trudeau budget in fall 2015. Few who did made 400% the same year and some are up 1500% as of tooday without selling.

The same thing, I think,. will happen in Cyber security...but way bigger. The market is not a small 10 billion (like canadian market weed) but more 1.2 Trillion (cyber security wordwide)

This is why Carl Icanh and some shark are manipulating down good stock like ID to load cheap ahead of that huge way that is going to generate few choseen one like AMAZON as been a tresor from the internet wave of 98'

Best Regards

Holding and adding at 18c... way to cheap. Will sell at 1.5$ + by the end of the year and I hope some of you will still be there to witness.
