Tough times for oil and gas sector
The Canadian oil and gas sector will continue to flounder. The billions that have been invested in Canada is wasted and future investments will increasingly be spent in the U.S.
Until the country wakes up to the economic madness imposed by the likes of Trudeau and Horgan we are going to have to live with our own self destruction. Across the country we have been electing governments "that impose ideologically socialist government policies on a capitalist-free market economy." The result has been catastrophic for the oil and gas industry and will be for other industries as well, as Canada raises tax rates while the U.S. lowers them.
I still own Newalta and that has been a mistake which I must live with for now. In the meantime please try to educate your family and friends to the massive damage that our federal and most provincial governments are doing to our economy. What a mess our children are going to inherit.