RE:RE:RE:RE:The Real Truth IsThe real truth is unless you’re stock outlook is like some have said 2021 then cannabis drinks in Canada shouldn’t even be on your mind. A lot of ppl are so that’s fine but cali has a market larger and easier to access than Canada (I’m talking about no different provincial regs here). Cali and Nevada will be huge. And in the relative near future. As for the politics side this is something I have a little experience in. As of now even if they replace sessions it’s looking like Pruitt will be the replacement. Tbh he’s not much better. As he too is strongly anti mj. I think what we’re likely looking at is next election cycle for the presidency for any real action to be had on federal level. My reasoning here is that the majority of DOJ officials in line that trump would likely appoint are mostly anti mj. We’re lucky that almost all aren’t going after it. But they won’t make the landscape any easier either. As for congress even if it becomes switched to democratic rule and the senate (one more likely than the other). I highly doubt they will be spending their time tackling marijuana as it already polarizes people in the dem wing. Yes there are anti legalization and anti decriminalize dems out there. Many prog dems are anti legalization actually. Hence the next real chance is the presidential election. Where in my opinion we will see this brought up by a ma man who I believe will be the next president. Corey Booker. Who has already sponsored legislation to legalize it. I don’t believe trump will move on mj he won’t make it worse than now. But he ain’t legalizing it. Election time are when these issues come to light and Booker is one of the few high profile ppl and stars taking a strong stance for legalization. IMO he is the mj hope. Booker 2020 ;) haha