End of Today's NR makes you go hmm$181mil cash in the bank in the beginning of this year and planned expenditures of $226 million for 2018. Unless we get a finance deal on one or more project we will be in trouble.
I think a financing deal for Kipushi is going to happen real soon. New mining code doesn't effect it too much until zinc goes above $1.80/lb. Uncle Rob could get a deal for the entire project worth and put back over $100mil of the previous expenditures back into our coffers. This would carry us into 2020 giving us time to get financing on the bigger projects. Much easier to get $300mil on a 50% IRR project than $1.5b on a 14% IRR project.
"The company expects to spend $64 million on further development at the Platreef Project; $62 million at the Kipushi Project; $12 million on regional exploration in the DRC; and $18 million on corporate overheads in 2018 – as well as its proportionate funding of the Kamoa-Kakula Project, expected to be $76 million for 2018."
and bloody hell almost 6000m of drilling in the foreland they could at least give us a bone and mention if they seen any copper mineralization in any of the holes.