Closing of PP & General Corporate Update announced today!!;_ylc=X1MDMTE5Nzc4NDE4NQRfZXgDMQRfeXJpZAMzYWZ1ZnA1ZGI3ZTNiBGcDZFhWcFpEeHVjejVsT1RGa04ySXpaaTA1TkdSaUxUTm1ObVF0T0RJeVlpMW1aREF6T0RreVptRXlPREoxZFdsa1BHNXpQa3hOUlM1Vw0KBGxhbmcDZW4tVVMEb3JpZ19sYW5nA2VuBG9yaWdfcmVnaW9uA0NBBHBvcwMwBHJlZ2lvbgNVUwRzeW1ib2wDTE1FLlY-?.tsrc=applewf
Sounds like much more positive news to come shortly! LME is waking up. I imagine there is more financing in the works.
Especially with the known surface deposit of Gold, LME could rapidly generate $15+ million in revenue, nevermind the potential $billions worth of resources thatmay lie within the Ishkoday property boundaries!