RE:Investor presentationGood post jhojho...
In the press release dated Nov, 15, 2017 Genenews said (Quote) '' Planning has commenced for on-boarding of two large healthcare systems as company prepare for signature of contract (End of Quote).
In the '' Investor Presentation '' link below provided by jhojho (worth reading ...use the arrows on the top right side to slow it down). Genenews said (Quote) '' 3 large healthcare systems & growing(End Of Quote).
First 1 large healthcare system...
Then 2 large healthcare systems...
Then 3 large healthcare systems...
And growing...
Interest for GEN is definitively growing...
jhojho wrote: I don't understand how someone here said that they can't find the presentation. It's almost like they had some kind of agenda(see the end of this post). If GEN reaches even half of the hoped 10 000 tests/month, we will turn profitable and our patience will be rewarded. Also I really hope that the bashers are sued and get what they deserve. For those that don't know, there have a few posters posting negative posts here almost daily (sometimes even dozens of posts a day) for over a year. I find no other reason for that kind of behavior other than that they are paid or that they themselves want to drive the price down. GLTA