justbull4u wrote: glasshalfful…your comments and questions are good.
In summary, the opportunity to Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP) is that this VeloMetro vehicle is a revolutionary new transportation vehicle in the same way that the iPhone enabled Apple to come back from the brink of bankruptcy and become the world's most valuable company.
Or another analogy…this VeloMetro could be Chysler's Minivan in how the minivan vehicle category was invented by Chrysler and it still controls that market segment.
This VeloMetro vehicle could be BRP's version of the iPhone…or…Minivan…
Responses to your comments/questions:
1) Not easy to copy the VeloMetro vehicle. There are some hardware/software patents and very importantly, they have a "first mover" advantage with this product category.
2) The VeloMetro is classified an electric-assist bicycle and requires the user to pedal to get around. If you watch the brief VeloMetro video on their homepage, it will explain how it works. Here is the link:
https://www.velometro.com/ 3) Gas scooters are polluting…are becoming expensive to operate as gas prices go up…the rider gets wet when it is raining…the rider's stuff/personal belongings are not secure…etc.
The VeloMetro is non-polluting, inexpensive to operate (pedal power), rider stays dry when it is raining, rider's stuff/personal belongings are secure, has a solar roof that could recharge the batteries…etc.
In Asia, Europe, North America and elsewhere, this concept would be very popular…especially in those cities that have a strong bicycle culture.
4) Up to 4 VeloMetro vehicles would fit into a standard car parking stall on streets, parkades etc. The VeloMetro would be parked in the parkade of an apartment/condo building. Over time, building owners would convert some automobile parking spaces for these to make more efficient use of the parkades.
The VeloMetro is allowed to use bicycle lanes, thus by-passing automobile road traffic. If there are no bicycle lanes, then regular bicycle road sharing rules apply in that the VeloMetro would share the road with automobiles.
5) The VeloMetro has a top speed of 32 KPH in order to be classified a battery-assist bicycle. This vehicle in intended for urban transportation and the max speed is very good for getting around, especially if by-passing automobile traffic anyway by using the bicycle lanes..
6) For some families, these VeloMetro vehicles could replace one or more of their regular automobiles. Think about it, teenagers driving one of these instead of a regular car…no driver's license required…no automobile insurance required…it would save families money. Also, the VeloMetro costs a lot less to buy, operate, and maintain than an automobile.
Yes, definitely mass market…very strong busisness case.
There are approx. 76 million cars sold worldwide annually.
There are approx. 130 million bicycles sold worldwide annually.
No need to be an expert…this one looks like a winner!
glasshalfful wrote: justbull ... I am no expert on bicycles. Here's some thoughts without any research.
1) Looks very easy to copy ... someone with a few tools and a garage could start making them - its a bike with a body on it .. right?
2) I have already seen electric bikes on the streets - but not many - why? Perhaps people that ride bikes like the exercise?
3) When I have travelled in Asia where there is a greater acceptance of bikes, they all ride cheap gas scooters ... Europe?
4) Parking - 1 velo = 3 or 4 regular bikes, a logistics issue? Can I fit in my garage with my car? ... Same issue with bike lanes ... take up the apt. elevator and put it on my balcony?
5) Road worthy - I mean on roads where the speed limit is 50kph+
6) Will I need a license? - ie can kids - an 8 year old - ride one?
I don't know ... it looks like it might be fun and fit some very specific needs .. but mass market?
Hopefully its a CDN success story one day.
As I said, I'm not expert ... trying to find that glasshalffull comment for you .. sorry ...