NewcoinI am trying to get confirmation on the release date for the financial. From your post it looks like April 30th or May 1st. That is in alignment with the 2016 Financials. Funny enough, I was of the opinion that it was due March 31st - April 1st 2018.
Of concern to many investors is the pin drop silence from management regarding updates of substance ( presenting at a conferences are fluff news releases). PatientDwag2016 expressed his frustration regarding what now seems to me as either incompetence or flicking footdragging procrastination on the efforts of management. I feel that if they were seeking more private placement capital they would have been dancing the information jig for a fig. Fcuking shame on them.
I now get the feeling that some sort of takeover negotiations are progressing. These guys are a rather easy takeover target. That may explain why they are allowed their share price to freefall. And this I can state. I will truly be fcuked if they are taken over at this point with a 25% premium on their current price.
Patience? Biting my nails? Pooping my pampers? All the above describe my situation. We just want a fcuking update on the fcukifx rollout.