RE:RE:RE:RE: recorded payments that went to pay off individuals were recorded on their books as payments to GECAMINES. This misrepresentation to cover diversion from Gecamines to corrupt officials partially explains the missing money at Geacamines. If Zuma was one of the recipirents then we have got a major player with his hand in the cookie jar. Another possible recipient would be our old "friend" Dan Gertler. The posturing by Zuma to act as if the DRC and Gecamines was cheated makes for good press and to stand up for the mining code as a way of eliminating graft and getting a fair share of the profits from the mines for the DRC and its citizens plays well in the DRC. I truly hope that the current renunciation of previous agreements to protect foreign investors is just a ploy rather than a cast in stone position. If the government does not reconsider its position I doubt that there will be any capex directed to any project reqiring capital from anywhere, whether it is for needed infrastructure (rail. power distribution or generation, water treatment) or projects like mines that generate enough monies to lift the living srtandards of the citizens of the receiving country.