let this sink in...make u sickI've been a sick FMS shareholder for years..most recent vomit spell was after Don Baxter was fired and SP went from 33 cents to 21 or so...never to recover. Hugging 52W low. IMHO not even cardiac paddles can help SP here. You guys should have your own flag and anthem for FMS bagholder Country. A simple question for the PumpTards here...how the dickens does looting cash out of FMS into Grafoid help FMS? Hasn't in the past, looking at the Grafoid website...top 4 people of the management team are the same retards that "sold" a Grafoid Offtake to Focus...that Grafoid isn't even paying the $83K/month that is in the Offtake. Give them $200,000 a month to find more of this type of Offtake? Are you freaking kidding me. Pay them the same as Elon Musk....no cash...when shareholders make money...they get rewarded by their options increasing in value.....yeah that has worked will in the FMS past. Just my opinion...PumpTards/Bagholders