I give PLI a "B" for good progress and improved performance.I think that this was a better Q 4 report than ever before presentd by PLI. And, you all know how negative I can be. I would have given PLI an AAA except for the chinese fiasco. When will PLI learn its lessons on doing deals? They have a long long track record of failure here. However, we are now makiing steady progress so that can be written off to experience.
Good news on BioSeparation was:
Total revenues for the year ended December 31, 2017 were $39.1 million compared to $16.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2016.
BoioSeparation is now finally showing its long held, long delayed promise as a business enterprise. Thankgawd for that one.
My Final report card.
PLI: "B" for continuing progress
Fluff pumpers. "D-" for nasty attempts to mislead and stifle discussion
Bashers: "A" for insight.