RE:Price is too high? You may be surprised that price is low.sunspec, show me the sentence where I say this is true? Again, if your going to comment, please refer to my tips, don't bring a knife to a gun fight. This is a discussion board, why attack the posters? I like the project but I presented some arguements yet you don't even debate them? My answer to your statement about all the other diamond co's like debeers etc., is pretty simple, it is in my opinion that they have talked to a few, maybe all of them, but the price the bros want to extract is too high. Status quo I now suspect is okay with the bros. Hence, none of the major players in this company even bothered to be at the AGM, pathetic, now the CFO is being farmed out, right when good things are supposed to happen, history repeating IMO. Give me your theory on that instead of attacking posters. Why no comment on the part time employees here now? Why no discussion on how this can possibly move forward without a partner? Grow up will you, get in the discussion, it is easy to trash posters, its always the go to for pompoms when afraid, remember silverwhere? Attack, attack, attack, then leave when reality sets in. Its much more difficult to debate when you suspect I may be right and the bros are okay with the status quo, and the possiblitiy of another destructive rights is in front of us. Debate me, lay out your reasons, yes this may be attractive to other diamond companies, has been for a couple of years now, why did debeers pull, why no partner, why the slide in the sp when everything is supposed to be rosy, why no institutions or analysts, why a 14 cent sp? etc etc etc., try to be adult about it. Name calling is for children. Good Luck.