Conspiracy theories...
I generally rely on this comunity to find things I may have missed in research. I chuckle since most posts indicate short selling, nanipulation, CEO conspiracies, and hopes on ridiculous short term gains. *yawn* 1. Investors like "sure results" It's why dividends are so popular. Future earning, subject to execution risks, are not worth the same valuation. If you think execution will be sucessful then buy... hint: management team... 2. The market is down 1k points... of course a high beta stock like cbw is gona trade lower in the short term. C'mon! 3. Run your own conservative long term calcuations (assume that half the potential weed goes down in flames)... your spreadsheet will likely tell ya what it did for me... BUY LONG and on dips... Don't acknowledge the clown posts... Don't reply to trash... Thanks for the good info!