Something to shareGood morning All
I just completed a road trip thru New England. My personal observations...we are already in a sharp down turn in the general real life economy. Anyone familiar with Freeport, Maine? LLBeans.... the streets were silent as well as most other areas I saw and visited. My point, compound this with the real game change over..... US trade wars....this will all end terribly for the whole real life economy. Think of this insight, what is not built or made in China or some other far east nation in your real day to day life ?
Regarding this past week, OMH .... worthless to all shareholders. He has to go.I need not expand. I still believe that this will enrich us all ( gold and silver) when the Titans lose control of the reserve currency power tool, the US dollar. I am certain everyone understands the history of the us federal reserve's creation on the cusp of WW1 and transfer of power from the Bank of England to the new world order of the Age of America...but I digress. I think, it is collapsing....but their digital illusions of money creation of today's circus..... which they still control.
the price of the this stock?...I would have bought more but..tangible bullion may be the very best for everyone ....until a clear picture of this global insanity is shown. In my opinion.
the other unmentioned truth ....climate....i have my opinions on this very real game changer, as well, but will keep them to myself!!!!!
Stay sharp....and no.... this time is not like anything we have experienced before in "our recorded" world in summation enjoy each and every day folks. I do endeavor...
Bon Chance...Good luck....Buona Fortuna...we all will need!