RE:RE:Current Affairs: Kinder Morgan Pipeline Off TopicPeopleKind you got it exactly right. BC NDP making a deal with the devil the fricking Green Party to stay in power but and I mean BUT
3 key issues; to run 3-6 shallower draft TANKERS daily thru 2 very narrow pts at the 1st and 2nd Narrows Bridges thru Vancouver Harbour is an accident waiting to happen.
Trying to run tankers thru these 2 narrow bottleneck points with their incumbant tides is folly. The 1st narrows and 2nd Narrows Bridges and bottom depth let alone width only support single ship passage and have to be on the right tide to go under the bridges.
Current easy solution has been "oh can't run deep hauled ships lets pull out all the smaller, shallower haul tankers from everywhere and run them thru here. No double hauled ships as grabbing all the old tankers collecting rust rust from around the world is what fEDS and AB have opted for so far with no oil spill support infrastrucure. frick you guys grab a brain! .
So they need too many tankers passing thru these bottlenecks without the FEDS or ALBERTA Govts paying 100% for a reasonable let alone mandatory maximum oil spill infrastrucutre icause they're cheaping out so far. thisis th eissue to e and others who'd like to see th eoil go thru. Damn trudeau and AB fo rwating to push this thru a bigge rpopulation area than all of AB. Grab a frickin brain!
Oh somebody here is a steveadore and Port of Vancouver has got squat for oil spill protection and why should BC foot that for your benefit? Feds control the Port Authority and are cheap prichs and get with Prov of AB get what 40% of your oil Revs. and all BC gets is the ecological risk to get the oil spill stuff delat with but look at 2 other additional options vs trying to shove all thru the worst geographical location that you could think if. Spread it around IMHO.
Put the neessary oil spill measures in place and tell the envirnmentalist charlatans into a corner where they belong NEXT.....even better lets look at alternatives. like this
BTW let me digress, I agree a refinery in AB is a moronic idea BC'ers and environmentalists who put fwd that are naive and stupid and should be ashamed of that lame excuse. O&G goes to the refinery not th eother way aroud. So build it now you still need pipelines to send the refined product. Stupid jackazzes who suggest that .
Competitors indeed are known to be at the bottom of all that "sounds good, feel good, totally uneconomic totally moronic suggestion." BS environmentalists.
However I live here. We got more population here than probably your entire province has in total certainly more than CGY and EDM combined imho whether its all the Gooks coming in or not. Until you see where the FEDS and Kinder Morgan and AB want the easy choice to put this, you won't get the resistance to North Bby Mtn location. Of course 40-50 yr old facilities why build new ones in a safer location, easy peasy.
When Trans Mtn build this infrastrucutre decades ago and these refineries on the north side of Bburnaby Mtn below Simon Fraser University , there wasn't the massive population here. Given that why not utilize the TransMountain er Kinder piepline to Ferndale, Cherry Pt and even Anacortes just across the line wher enow under utilized capacity sits because the once robust Alaska Oil Imports aren't what they sed to be. Instead of off loaidng at these facilities reverse it and send it off to Asia etc. Why not look into that to take some of th eload, not a 100% solution. KinderMorgan has that in place and bigger tankers get in there than ever could here.
2ndly Delta Super Port besides BC Ferries in Tsawassen doesn't have the navigational hazards of Vancouver Harbor and the single passage choke points of 1st and 2nd narrows bridges in Vancouver called Lions Gate Bridge an dIron workers Memorial. Makes some sense to reduce pie in th e sky 3-4 tankers daily minimum. I mean WTF
Most important issue fo rme is zero in the way of modern massive oil spill response infrastrucutre totally cheaped out by FEDs and AB and Kinder Morgan and the Oil Cos with their refineries here. Esso, Shell, Chevron... so like we don't need the prevention measures and infrastructure in place really??????
FEDS and AB buck up for it. I lijke Delta Super Port with straight access, no tight spots but you are right beside the Fraser River Salmon Fishery and breeding grounds for name it salmon, crab, birds etc. so if you can't put big time oil spill infrstrucutre in place $3 BN gee on stand by, necessary overkill on your tab not ours, what are you thinking? Lets get the damn oil flowing. Ounce of prevention is worth pound of cure but somebody is a cheap SOB an dit ain't BC. Slays me how tis topic is avoided hence shut down the environemntalists as safer location but if you risk wipe out such a salmon river do you think that panzy prich Trudeau will go agst First Nations and their fishery hoo-da?
The hazards of the current chosen location, lack of spill infrastrucutre, Fed and AB and KM funding sure stuff that all onto BC> ain't gonna happen IMHO all cause Kinder et al want to use 50 yrs old facilities not practical with population density and natural hazards here. frickin politicans and Oil Execs cheaping out for easy perceived solution. 3 tankers per day 320 days per year = 960 through here. Joke! 4 per day 320 days per yr = 1280 per year. WTF!? 5 a day x 320 days per yr = 1600 tankers per yr. But back to 3 per day for 340 days per yr. 1,020 then 4 = 1360 tankers and 5 per day x 340 days = 1700 tankers per yr.
Totally absurd location. I want th eoil flowing. Not arguing with you and big country, we need that oil out aand shipping but stupid lazy location pick, hazardous navigation, dangerous risks to large local population.
Check Kinder's sorry azz response a couple yrs ago when exploding manhole covers and fires popped up due to a pipeline leak. Firemen I know say don't buy a place up top at SFU because if an earth quake cause tank ruptures hence fires whatever those up top stand to experience Ft. McMurray with no escape. Peoplekind - (4/13/2018 1:03:41 PM) RE:Current Affairs: Kinder Morgan Pipeline Off Topic The hypocrisy and ignorance of the anti-oilsands lobby is astounding. Completely oblivious to the fact that they are the "useful idiots" of foreign oil producers. Canadian oil stays in the ground while the U.S. and Saudi Arabia boom. Pathetic.