A Director of the company responds to Stockhouse complaints regarding the message board dedicated to their stock:
It is with great regret that message boards like Stockhouse are polluted with so much useless information that most people investing in the stock market have trouble finding real and truthful information. The Boards are usually a necessary vehiicle for investors to share ideas and news announcements, but there is often teams of abusers, referred to as Trolls, that pollute the message boards daily. Most educated investors will take advantage of the "ignore" feature under the "user actions" tab to block any posts from such individuals that are making a mokery of the message Boards.
Recently it was reported that their was a team of member profiles referring to themselves (or just himself) as "The Justice League", who continually type useless posts of no value to the average reader, which in itself is a very childish and immature manner in which an individual would conduct themselves in the adult world of stock market investing. Some of the profiles have been brought to light, but we believe there may be others, and even new ones created when one is ignored enough times. Just this week a particular member believed to be part of the team of Trolls, a person calling themselves PROtrading, had received over 1000 ignores by other members of Stockhouse. Through his posting history, it was determined that he was using other members to join him in this "trolling activity", or was using other member profiles himself. The other member profiles brought to light so far include: Oceaneleven, MartialArts, Thelonious, Obviously, DueDilligence666 & just recently another member name has either joined or was being used as well....EquityInvest we believe.
Of course Stockhouse has very limited means in which to stop posts from these individuals who are conducting themselves in this manner. Valued members of Stockhouse who are genuinely interested in the Board of the particular stock they are investing, will take it upon themselves to try and combat the teams of Trolls with responses of their own, but usually that just makes the unemployed Trolls respond with even more useless posts, and fills the Board even more unfortunately.
Once the "ignore" feature is utilized with such individuals, members will find they can eliminate useless information and have more meaninful conversations about the stock market.
Thank you.