RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Question for bagholders who still believe in this scam......OK. Q4 coins will be valued at the crypto coin prices at MArch 31st, 2018. But in order to get a Q4YTD statement, you have to reevaluate coins from previous quarters that were not sold (inventory) Also the assets shown on the balance sheet have to reevaluated.
HIVE reports as of MArch 31st, 2018. That is the price of crypto coins that needs to be used for the reporting purposes. IF the price goes to 1000K tomorrow, they still have to use MArch 31st price of $400. That is how accounting works.
But if say for next Q the price is 1000, HIVE will be profitable.
The whole point of this conversation is that at these levels, HIVE is not profitable based on theri own financial reports. I did not make their numbers. I am using their numbers and you can call me whatever you want, but these are facts. Number don't lie.
IF price of ETH goes to 1000 they will be profitable and the share price will refelct that. IF ETH goes to $5000, hive will be extremly profitable and the share price will spike. Simple as that.
Chrysanthalas wrote: But accounting does ask that revenues be tied to the quarter thry were earned in. So those currencies can’t be on the statement again. It would have to be new ones. The revaluation is for the currencies mined in that quarter alone.
Whatever is mined this new quarter would have its value adjusted, but if its being mined at those prices already it won’t be reduced again. At what price point does it get re evaluated at? Is it arbitrary or is it based on when earned. What if its at current, in which case as Ethereum goes back up jn value overall profitability also increases.
Since you are so knowledgeable perhaps you can explain why they can’t have good results even if the price goes back up.