Serious Question For Mark 1980/81/82I'm really interested to know what your deal is with Emblem, you've got to have a real story about your total disdain, hatred, disgust with this company. I've been following a number of companies on this forum and I can say without reservation that I haven't ever seen anyone with the amount of bitterness towards an individual company as you spew on a daily basis. Now I don't take comments like yours with any merit or concern, as I've come to see that this forum is more like a tabloid than an informative source of investment information, which overall IMO is very much filled with members that are at best mostly unseasoned investors looking for investment advice from other investors that predominantly don't know what they're talking about. That's why I read these posts for entertainment, but contribute to other much better forums for serious investors. Maybe you believe your fear related comments will somehow have a negative affect on potential investors, if that were possible, I really feel sorry for those people, maybe they should put their money into lottery tickets, the money is lost anyway right?
So what's your game, did someone at Emblem steal your wife/girlfriend from you, leaving you a lost soul? Or did you invest at a time when the SP was very high and now you're choked that you're holding a very heavy bag & pissed with the companies poor performance? Maybe a shorter that just wants to scare people out of their shares with the continual negative remarks, that would be very low, but shorters don't care how they get the shares, do they, can't do it on good market research, they need to resort to tactics like you're using. Either way, whatever your unwanted comments that constantly clog up this forum, this is a serious question. What is your problem with Emblem, as no matter how dilusional you may be with your posts, it can't just boil down to you just not having a life & enjoy getting attention from looking stupid, don't tell me that's it, I would be so disappointed!!