Feb 14th Quotes to Remember
“Over the past few months, and with the assistance of Synapse and NewDealDesign, we have aggressively advanced the development of our first intended commercial products, which I believe will revolutionize how we experience and capture moments in the great outdoors, at large entertainment events, and while traveling,” stated NexOptic Chairman, Darcy Daugela, P. Eng, MBA.
Mr. Daugela continued: “We have completed two beautiful product designs that encapsulate both the innovative nature of our company and the compact form factor enabled by our optical setups. The Company now has optical, electrical, software, and mechanical designs that potential suppliers are currently evaluating. I look forward to finalizing the high-resolution lens stack design for our first commercial product this quarter, and selecting key suppliers soon thereafter. In Q3 2018, we will determine an estimated date when our first product will be ready for sale.”
Next Phase of Development
Over the next several weeks, NexOptic will finalize initial lens stack designs for its first intended commercial product. The Company has two lead designs that are being assessed for ruggedness, manufacturability, cost, and optical capabilities.
The Company notes that the chip/sensor choice is a critical decision because of the high-resolution capabilities of its long-range lens stack designs. NexOptic has a short list of sensor candidates for the prosumer model and expects to finalize its decision during this phase of engineering.
Sensor selection will be based on several parameters, including performance, long-term availability, feature-set, and cost. In this phase, NexOptic will also work with potential suppliers to refine its prosumer product’s estimated production cost based on volume metrics as well as its estimated MSRP.