"on the odd chance someone will lend them a billion dollars"IronMoose (any relation to CanadaMoose?) captures the dilemma Alderon (and we) face. If on the one hand, Alderon is a tabula rasa, then the factual elements that would imprint upon it are a recovering iron ore market, a green PEA, rising prices, rising premium prices, rising demand for premium product, smart investors (at least one, Altius), 100% off-take agreements (still???), an improving management profile, (I don’t know much about Tayfun, but I bet he is a no nonsense doer, but he needs something to do!!) And that brings us to the “other hand”. This is a good story. These mining guys can ride a story until there is nothing left, not even a mine. I hope that’s not true in this case. (I don’t believe this is a pump and dump operation). But IronMoose’s statement (on the odd chance someone will lend them a billion or so…….) just shows how extravagant these mining guys are; It’s their stock in trade so to speak. If they thought maybe less is more, then what solutions might that view conjure? Joint Venture, a sale of the company, unique arrangement to mine product in concert with adjoining operations. Etc etc. Just some thoughts to unburden my frustration. But it is a good story that “mining guys” can ride longer and further without producing anything. Please note: Altius is not a “mining guy” company. They are professional business thinkers, geologists, and thoughtful strategists. They are my hope in this scenario; Alderon will get Altius to 100mm sooner rather than later, and everybody wants that………………….