Zinc is a Dead EndGlencore slashed 500,000 tonnes of production in late 2015. They could easily bring all this back on stream.
On Seeking Alpha, Joshua Hall, projects a zinc deficit of 750,000 tonnes this year, dropping to 135,000 tonnes next year in 2019. With 500,000 tonnes leeway, Glencore can easily make up the difference anytime they want. Kipushi can't go into production until 2020 at the earliest. There is no zinc shortage. I don't want to talk down my own investment, but considering the Company also needs to finance Kakula and Platreef, sinking lots of money into zinc is unnecessary at this time. If a zinc shortage actually occurs, IVN can easily take advantage of the situation. The stock will go up just because of reserves.
What I would hate to see is IVN financing Kipushi just in time to see zinc drop to $1 or $1.10 lb. That's after sinking in a few hundred million dollars we don't yet have. The zinc isn't going anywhere. We know copper is looking very strong and this is expected to continue. Kakula should have priority over Kipushi. I would also like to see splitting political risk between DRC and South Africa. We don't need to gamble. Stick to the long game. The Company shouldn't make long term decisions based on short term market action.