Is everyone new here???I am super long on CGC but everyone is starting to get on my nerves. CGC is valued at over 5 Billion dollars. No news is going to move this stock dramatically except maybe legalization. Its show time for these companies. It's time for them to validate their share price with revenue that warrants current valuation. Once that revenue growth happens, which it will, then we move up. Stop the incessant whining about "why aren't we going up on good news" bullshite. As for the shorts, your not even worth my time. I have never seen so many fools bet against a sure thing before. I will sell my shares for north of $200 in a couple of it. If you are hanging out here waiting for 3,4 and 5 dollar moves, daily you should sell. If you are like me and believe CGC will grow into their current valuation and beyond, stop whining and sit back and just will happen. Give it a rest people.