RE:It's a fact gibbonsj wrote: those with the least knowledge always have the strongest opinions. True red neck mentality. Really, have any of you nay sayers ever managed a business let alone one as complex as PLI? The decisions management makes are the best that can be made based on the situation and information at hand. At this stage things are still fluid, firming up but still fluid. Headed in the right direction but not quite there yet.
While I agree, the science side of this company appears solid now, I wouldn't be making any excuses on manamgement's behalf. And I disagree with you about their direction. If they were going in the right direction, the share price wouldn't have gone from mid 3s to 77 cents over several years. This happens for a reason and that reason is mismanagement of their funds. They painted themselves into a corner.
I actually avoided this for almost 2 years but bought recently because I thought even this management couldn't screw a FDA fast track up this badly. (announcing a shelf before their ER & fast track approval?? Really??) But they proved me wrong!!
They've tried to do too much and now they have put themselves and shareholders in a serious bind. It's never good approaching partners when they know you are running out of money but they need to get it through their thick skulls that they need to make some deals and get some partners on board.
Going to the shelf now would be a disaster.