RE:Letter to Mr. Economo-not responded toJeez. You actually wasted your time putting that together... your logic makes no sense comparing FMS, LLG, NanoExplore and "Grafoid" which I don't even call a sustainable business. How do you even get to $ 0.75 valuation for FMS? Just because Mason has half the share float of FMS, means FMS should be half the share price of Mason?!?
Evidently not.
Finance valuations especially in TSX-V space is based on so many other factors notably EXECUTION, FINANCING, etc. Or else it's just smoke and mirrors.
How can you compare Focus to Mason which the latter actually having CREDIBLE management and is soon going into construction with a clear timeline, all permits, etc?
This is night and day by miles.
Focus is a complete mess. Check out the latest KPMG Accounting Statements where there are now 3 disclaimers where KPMG really views them as having serious issues to remain a going concern.
Eventually only so much equity you can generate as you now sit at 4,5 cents UNDER A NICKEL.
Sorry boys, it can't get any worse at this stage.
Disclaimer Note:
All commentary based on data/#s
EX-FMS Shareholder (2011-2012)
Never a LLG Shareholder Both can get crushed for all I care, I just don't like seeing this take unsuspecting investors off the tracks.
jazz11 wrote:
Mr. Economo did not respond to the missive below.
I did communicate by Email several months ago when Focus did not respond to another
Email, and Mr. Economo said I should communicate directly with him.
I did,with the letter below, but He Chose Not To Respond.
Look, I do not post and/or participate in this, or any other forum.
Because I do all of my research by myself.
In the case of Focus Graphite, all my research and analysis did Nothing for my Cash Position.
Meaning, I missed many things. A very large mistake. And it will cost me.
I may not like it, but this is the Reality of investing. You do not always win.
Adapt and move on.
So, I post this letter to Mr. Economo as a Self-Serving attempt to push the stock price. up.
Who knows, maybe it will work.
April 2, 2018 - Mr. Economo
I first purchased shares in Focus Graphite [Metals] in March of 2012, and made
10 purchases in 2012.
Why did I purchase Focus Graphite: I read the news releases, the timelines of stated objectives and I believed in the ability of Focus Graphite to meet those objectives.
Since 2012, I have read many Presentations and Document in the area of Graphite in Batteries and Battery Metals.
In 2012, I also invested in other graphite companies. I bought them and sold them.
But I did not sell any shares of Focus Graphite. Why? I believed in the combination of technology and mining.
I have read the documents presented by Dr. Joseph Doninger, and I have requested that
“Focus Graphite should Monetize the research of Dr. Doninger.”
It is a fact that most all of North American graphite companies set timelines on when a mine would be up and running.
However, none that I know of, save for the Syrah Resources, have lived up to those timelines.
Focus Graphite is not just a possible, future graphite mine, but is a part owner of a graphene company, Grafoid, a PRIVATE company.
There is a comparative Template.
Lets make a comparison to Mason Graphte and NanoEplore
April 2, 2108 Closing Stock Prices Shares Outstanding
NanoXplore $1.93 82 million
Mason Graphite $1.89 135 million
Focus Graphite $0.055 341 million
Grafoid Private
I will use market cap to compare Mason Graphite to Focus Graphite, pro rating for shares outstanding.
Focus Graphite, on that basis, SHOULD BE $0.75
But Focus Graphite is $0.055
I purchase shares in companies to make money, and if I lose money by not selling at the appropriate time, that is my mistake.
What is require of you is an explanation of this Market Price Discrepancy.