Holy guys!! Stop the madness!!!No deal is dead. CUV simply tested the market with the vesilien DA to no response!! The company then decided to switch its focus to the revenue streams and getting the products out and hold back on AF, BHAV and others! As per other releases China is connected to the load partner deals which logically is connected to launch. Winner's you drive me crazy and I wish there was a way to prevent you from buying any CUV stock to save us all from your outlandish bipolar views!! Think this is all speculation you're out of your mind. I have spent the last year of my life developing relationships with the right people to know that this is in no way speculation! Beyond all that READ THE NEWS RELEASES it's all there!! None of you need me but I try to offer insight where possible and on topics that may seem cloudy at first glance. CUV will prevail with a long term outlook regardless of what any basher pr even I have to say! Their business plan will be completed on their time regardless of what some stockhouse bullboard has to say..