2 parts to sp growthN needs to develop 2 major areas. One is a solid company with excellent products, great business model, patient accretion, multiple joint ventures ( pun intended ), and great sales and balance sheet. This N continues to do and amaze. The other area is exposure to investors. I've learned over the years that you can have the best product ever, but if no one knows about, it will not grow much. Although addtl patients will help sales and bottom line, most patients will not be investors. And possibly most investors will not be consumers. Hence the statement by Lakshmi Mittal. Not sure of the plan by N, but believe the need a sales strategy to get the news out on how solid the sales are q over q, all the partnerships, all the deals with other companies for future growth, etc... Millions of new investors will push this stock price up when they see the execution. Jmo.