We have 8 dispensaries open right now. 1 in VT, 6 in NM and 1 in CO. We have another 7 pending in the next quarter or two (2 in MA, 3 in FL and 2 in NY) and an additional 30 beyond that we can open in MA, NY and FL
As it relates to RGA, we only the get the benefit of 25% of their operations as we only own that amount
On TGS, it is a lending relationship at this point and they are paying back the loan."
First mover Great states with limited competition Expertise in success factors beyond cannabis: recruiting, operations, finance, healthcare, real estate, government relations
Our vision? To create the most valuable network of cannabis operations and distribution on a national scale.
Folks who are focused and driven will be the leaders. There is such a huge opportunity, it is easy to get distracted. You must have an objective driven company and stick to your objectives. Plan your flight, fly your plan."
9 points··edited 5 days ago Hadley
Thanks for stopping by and spending time with us.
Could you give us a State by State summary of projected Revenue commencement dates?
When (not “if” in my mind) the US reschedules and iAnthus can transport cannabis across state lines... do you envision concentrating your cultivation efforts in Fla and New Mexico or other preferred location(s)?
With the hemp bill that Sen McConnell is looking to pass to legalize hemp production... will iAnthus look to cultivate hemp??
We are revenue positive in VT, NM, FL and CO. We should have revenue this month in MA and later this year in NY.
Once we can ship cannabis across state lines we will grow where where it makes the most sense. That is not likely to be a warehouse in MA for most products."
Hi Hadley, thanks for your time and attention, and thanks to the Cannalysts crew for arranging this.
I have heard mixed reports on roll out for Massachusetts retail. From your perspective, will the July 1st date be when you begin making sales from the Mayflower location?
Secondly, my understanding is that delivery market will be delayed until the fall. Will you be offering delivery services? And would that be done via postal service or via a separate delivery service you offer. Is there an online platform already in place for sales?
8 points··edited 3 days ago The original date in MA was 1/1/18. Then July 2018. Now we have heard that may be Oct 2018. Our best guess is sometime in 3Q. Politicians have a tendency to move slowly. I wish they had done the same thing with the start of the school year when I was a kid.
The rec delivery is up in the air on timing. Medical is ok. We cannot send stuff through the mail (that whole federal illegal thing) and we will do our own delivery."
You have an excellent and experienced team in place, but I don't see a specific marketing role yet, is there a timeline for creating a marketing position within the company? What are the plans for creating branded products?
When cannabis becomes federally legal in the US how do you feel that will change the competitive landscape? How is Ianthus preparing for these changes?
Once cannabis is federally legal in the US which do you see happening first: mergers and buyouts amongst cannabis companies or alcohol, tobacco and/or pharma companies buying up cannabis companies which they then consolidate? What's your preference and why?
Thank you for taking the time to answer everyone's questions. I'm excited about the future of Ianthus, keep up the good work. Thanks again.
We have a marketing team in place. They report up to Carlos, our COO.
We are creating branded products in all our markets.
The other two questions need a whole day to answer! In nutshell, when it goes legal our stock should respond very favorably LOL"
7 points··edited 4 days ago Hadley:
Florida seems to be a big opportunity in your portfolio.
How much investment is still required to complete the Florida Grow operation? Specifically, the cost per Phase 1-4 and projected timing of the phases?
You are slated to open your first dispensaries in Q3 2018 in West Palm and Orlando. How much capacity from West Lake facility do you believe is required annually to support each dispensary? Will you be sourcing product for your dispensaries from other parties?
What do you anticipate the invest $’s per dispensary in Florida will be? .... Is that expected to be similar $’s in your Mass and dispensaries?
How are your delivery vehicles in FLA working out? What are the $’s delivered per day per vehicle?
To build out all the projects in your Investors deck slated to be done OR underway in 2018... what is the investment amount needed to fund the 2018 spend?
Your investment deck indicates you have a $1 million investment in Vermont, but there were no individual slides speaking to it. Is there a plan to put in cultivation and dispensaries?
We haven't given guidance on specific numbers, but the grow in FL will take some capital this year. The actual amount will depend on how fast we can roll out dispensaries. We have a 200,000 sf building with only a small portion of that built out to date.
If an average dispensary in an oligopoly market can do $10mm and the average selling selling price is $10g flower equivalent then we would need then we would need a 1mm grams per store. We can handle that in Lake Wales no problem. We have no plans to buy wholesale right now.
Dispensary spend is a function of size and what we leased. We might spend anywhere from $400k to $800k in fitting out a space.
The vehicles are ok. We have only delivered a small amount as we figure out how best to roll out the program.
On the total 2018 spend, we haven't given guidance, but we need to build out the grow in FL and NY, build out stores in FL, NY and FL (and another one in VT.)
In VT we have a grow, kitchen and dispensary. We should have a second store later this year."
More on this at the May 2nd Q&A session on Reddit