RE:Say goodbye to the Canadian Economymeltdown wrote:
Between a group of unelected Senators (who got their "jobs" through sucking up to political parties), delaying implementation of MJ legislation, and the tree huggers holding up pipelines for oil transportation ( these "environmentalists" are funded by Ameriacan self interest groups - Rockefeller Foundation, Hewlett Foundation and Tidewater - who do not want our oil shipped to the Coast because we are selling to the Yanks at a discount of $7.00 to the world price), the Canadian economy is about to implode! If that happens the Canadian dollar will make the Mexican peso look like a major world currency.
Come on, Mr. Prime Minister! Get the job done on BOTH the MJ sector AND the pipelines!
Hi, what is your background in the MJ sector?You have years as a member on SH, but no real following of MJ stocks. Why your post, now?