RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Volume spikedualcin1 wrote: It is not necessary to dismiss him; he is a good pharmacist. But he should be confined to a purely scientific role, while the presidency and general management of the company should be entrusted to a true competent businessman, with the active strategic/financial support of a world-class biotechnology lobbying firm and/or a world-class pharmaceutical company. Poor Mr $ 5.3M is completely over ...
Mr. $5.3 should be fired due to the fact his performance did not come close to his promises... I would not be so critical of PL had he not acted totally incompetently and bragged like a used car salesman. Tossing out garbage like “overpregnant” is completely unprofessional and irresponsible. Now look at where we are Pierre. How he can sleep at night cashing in options and huge paycheques. I could not. Step up and take a pay cut or be terminated with cause if you ask me.