To the famous Winnersonly. You have no understanding of investing or of market trends. You fail to understand the concept of CUV a company you are apperently invested in. You continue to seek quick gains when many including myself have tried explaining this is a long hold.
You fail to understnad their finacials, you fail to understand that it costs money to do business.
You fail to understand that real companies take time to build and nothing happens overnight.
You fail to understand that CUV has acomplished many things in just under a year much of which you have cried and screamed for.
You continously scream the sky is falling when we are just at the beginning.
You fail to understand nothing was completed to sustainably hold us at 43c at that time,
To all those people that listen to this lunatic please understand that we are just starting and Winnersonly's track record is one that should not be trusted or listened to. According to him CUV's deals are dead we are all screwed and CUV has no hope..
Well i'm here to say that is so far from the truth and those that hang on and buy Winnersonly shares on such a unbelivably low value will succeed and make alot of money with CUV.