RE:RE:RE:RE:my guess is LUN comes back at 5.50-5.75 with no Euro trash 8 Capitals Valuation $6-7apears to be pretty reasonablle -- based on the current BS ( $160M cash and no debit) and the discount rate of 8% (reasonable - but what were the CU and ZN price assumptions) What isn't facored in are some of the 'unknowns' about BISHA reserves and the lower c osting factors for Timock given its location. Expecting LUN to act quickly to thwart another offer is not likely to happe. LUN appears to be rather clueless in understanding that this is a chess game/war with a TIMER and while time is on their side -right now - this advantage will degenerate quickly - A COUPLE OF WEEKS and it will be gone. Next couple of weeks are going to be interesting