RE:RE:Wait a second132 table out there or on the way. 8/4 Texas Holdem split Big blind small bline $5.00 per set Casino takes. Currently average is 28 to 30 sets per hour with a dealer. Jackpot Digital BLITZ tables 54 was the number that Jake said, "right". When the calcualation of accual events 105 set an /hour for Blitz tables.
$270.00 /hour the casino will generate from one table and your saying JP will take only less than a dollar well good for you. I don't think so 20% of $270.00 is $54.00 / hour based on 54 sets. Lets say 132 Tables lets say 18 hours a day, 364 days a year. What is your number? Reminder this is current no more no less right now!!!!
Why do I have to do this for you?