Everything has been submitted to CSEI've spoken to Michael Young numerous times throughout the halt. The CSE is flooded with listings changing from the TSX..and others exchanges perhaps as well to the CSE. Apparently all the paperwork, audits and financials look good and are submitted. We now simply have to wait for the exchange to do it's thing.. It will not be completed till the end of May/June ish.. Red Deer is like the token pet autistic monkey of sh!thouse..you love him but not sure if you should take him to the vet to be euthanized or not because he still has entertainment value but still sh!ts all over your house... So as usual I just say Red, have a banana and STFU or you gonna gets some pampers and sh!t all over yourself...:) It's all in the exchanges hands (which I called today, couldn't tell me anything) So just have to wait and be patient..