Sad commentary as to the affairs we’re in...Some posters who have high ignore numbers like to use “projection” onto other posters, meaning what they do they project onto others; i.e. the bad behavior they themselves do, they project onto others as a deflection of their own bad behavior.
They so badly what to be heard that they themselves use multiple ID’s, then accuse others of doing it.
It’s a tactical move to project their own bad behavior onto others, it’s an old liberal tactic with its roots in communism. Historical fact.
Sad state of affairs this world is in and the total lack of values taught over the past 30 years.
* I have always only had one ID and I don’t know about any “refresh” button, so you can go stuff yourself GunnerG, and use your “projection” tactics on someone who cares and who doesn’t know any better.
However, I do know a few things, e.g. I do know that around the year 2020 the fireworks will begin in earnest for Prometic and shareholders will be rewarded, and that’s my gamble.