Lithium brine aint easy...I tell you whatOOOHHHMMMMSSSS =.ohms + a measure of resitsance...the less resitance the more conductive the material.
The BIG picture (notes on Reedy Laggon results)
Reedy has tried (2) 1.0 ohms targets , in the lithium triangle .2 -.4 ohms are returning between 1200 – 1800 ppm lithium. Standard Lithium has a .25 ohms target they drilled above an already operating Bromine? Evaporation mine in the Mojave desert. Since they finished drilling in Feb. 20 of this year and have not released their results can assume they got skunked as they have now claimed more ground in the area and are talking up that property and a confusing amount of lithium extraction Mumbo jumbo. Iconic lithium last year had a few .25 ohms targets (with corresponding gravity basins) drilled the first gravity basin got skunked. Drilled the second and after pump testing for 2 weeks finally got a sample (2 litres) that assayed 3200 ppm now they are going after the lithium in the clay game (in the 80’s I learned this very important idiom “if it’s in clay run away”)
In the 70’s an oil co. Called the Monte Cristo Valley oil co...drilled a 4km oil well below what is now Belmont's kibby property (Belmont tried it's first hole on the same fault about 2km from this hole) property (still in the Monte Christo valley , but south east of our property) and at 2km tested the resistivity of the water they had been in since 500 meters .25 ohms. (our MT survey has identified large .14 ohms area)
There has been a 16 year drought in the Great Basin in this PPP you will see that Kibby is a closed basin and based on the GRACE satellite data has plenty of water. I looked high and low, watched all the players moves and paid special attention to the what the Kings/ of Geology (USGS) have to say... Belmont has a 7 x 7 score on the the contential/slipsrike fault brine model. and have determined that Kibby Basin will ring the bell and be the next bonafide discovey for lithium brine in America.