RE:Kentucky Case Reviewsolarman2013 wrote: I was able to obtain, which anyone can for $20, the recording of the entire proceedings of the April 18th appearance before the Kentucky Court of Appeals. As many would say, there is much to read into the questions posed by judges, and as we’ve seen in the SC situation, the questions did reflect the eventual decision quite closely.
Well if that is the case here, then if I was the lawyer for the other side, I’d cut a deal fast. The judges said they’d render a decision within 90 days, even though they had no limit they had to restrict themselves to. They asked great questions which consistently pleased the lawyer arguing for Stars. This should have been a sign that it wont be too hard for them to decide and that if a deal is to be done, it has to be before mid July.
Once this monkey is off their backs, majors will come pouring in as the derisking of legacy issues by Rafi and team will pretty much be complete.
Am I missing something? Do you have a summary of the key questions and your analysis?