GT: "ACB coming after APH...."APH is the current market's sleek beauty! She's a farmgirl in the niagra region of Ontario. The greenhouse capital of Canada. She's just $2.5B versus the $6B+ for bigger sister WEED.TO and $7B for sumo ACB+LEAF.
She's producing at less than $1 per gram buddy!!!!!
Niagra Farmgirl APH DOES NOT want to move to Edmonton!
You fooled Princess CMED thinking Vancouver was home base, she imagined the nice year round weather and BOOM! Company announced Edmonton as mission control. Her CEO was too weak to PROtect her! She froze her butt off this winter!!!!
Now apologize GT for scaring Princess APH. Stop with that stuff!
STOP IT with this #FATIFY thing ok! LOL!!!!! Princess APH wants to stay Lean and Mean!!!!