tight float on KL sharesHere is the list of shares held by funds and others:
These add up to about 143M shares against total o/shares available of around 210M. Note that KL's board chair (Eric Sprott) holds 21.5M shares.
As I look at daily real time sales its clear that same old funds are doing the buy sell wash rinse dance and squeeze what they can out of daily share price. Price goes up, down, sideways but not huge volume. I suspect there's a lot of news to come with increasing deposits, increasing grades, major mine site shaft expansions, etc and of course increasing cash flow. Analyst consensus seems to put price target somewhere between $26 and $30 CAD. AISC around $800 USD and picture improves substantially as grade increases as huge increase in extracting cash from each ton processed....that is, same AISC to process an ounce and a half from each ton as it does one ounce so grade increase is huge for cash flow. Anyone who follows KL in depth should fully understand the "potential" over the next few quarters. No guarantees but sure looks promising. With all this as a backdrop, gold bullion price is but one small item in the overall context of where this company will grow. All IMHO of course.....but I remain confident.