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Traxion Sab De Cv Ord Shs GRPOF

Grupo Traxion SAB de CV is a Mexico-based company engaged in the transportation sector. The Company provides logistics services within eight business areas: Fright, including intermodal and multimodal services, door-to-door, national and cross-border distribution, among others; Integrated logistics, including logistics management, aerial and maritime services and custom transportation support services; Warehousing, including dedicated storage, shared warehouses, packing and value-added services, such as labeling and products assembly; Logistics systems, including software for logistics management; Passenger transportation, including transportation of personnel and students; Special services, including rental of bus and vans; Moving, including national and international moving services, and Advertising, including custom transportation services during marketing campaigns. The Company operates through a number of group companies.

PINL:GRPOF - Post by User

Post by ScienceGirlon May 25, 2018 8:20am
Post# 28079625

bashers will be in full force

bashers will be in full force
next few days before June, they know Northbud shares are coming as well as the distribution partner announcement. They know their time is ticking! So everyone beware and have patience!
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