Plasminogen (Ryplazim) is produced by the liver and aids is the body’s healing process. Ryplazim IS NOT A NEW DRUG, it is a naturally occurring protein. Ryplazim is 100% pure plasminogen, medical grade and ready to go just like the liver produces it.
In the FDA approved clinical trials Ryplazim had a 100% success rate in both primary and secondary end points with 0% adverse events and 0% safety concerns.
So why the FDA one year delay for Ryplazim approval?
IMO to give the big boys (big pharma) time to digest and make plans for this ground breaking treatment; they already know that PLASMINOGEN IS THE KEY TO HUMAN HEALING IN MANY DISEASE INDICATIONS, thus when Prometic was ready to introduce Ryplazim to the world (opening the door to a whole myriad of different disease treatment) the big boys said wait a minute ... They know plasminogen is the key to healing many diseases, they know it, the medical community knows it, and any one who can read and understand the scientific data knows it.
Money talks.
There was NO VALID REASON not to give Ryplazim full marketing approval the first time around, or at the very least limited marketing approval; 100% efficacy with 0% safety concerns, come’on man...