RE:Simply amazing comments by W. MiddleKoop today on $NVO todayJust finished listening to Willem, below the highlights:
* Commodity Discover Fund (CDF) still heavily invested in Pilbara
* Equal amount of money invested in Novo and Artemis and these are CDF's main investments
* Positions in 6 other companies of which investments in De Grey and Kairos are "substantial"
and Marindi "small"".
* WM: "I have never seen anything this sensational in my life"
* Comet Well can be followed on the surface for 8 km …. we know here is 10M ounce but it may get to 20M.
* Some first samples have produced 35gr gpt ounce
* conglomerates of up to 16 m
* QH: Within 2 years we will be in production
* On the Artemis take out: Willem stated that the CDF wants at least $1 for Artemis take out, and will not sell below this price.
* Artemis may start “test production”… they have all permits in place and Artemis may beat Novo in the production department...