Arkady Mandel vs bionicjoeHi bionicjoe, and All Others;
bionicjoe, since you post publically, using your knowledge and expertise of human clinical trials, as well as an expert knowledge in PDT, and PDC technology, I think that it is appropriate that you also post your scientific background for us, so that we can make a fair comparison to our current leadership, Dr Arkady Mandel, and decide for ourselves if your accessment of Dr Mandel's "poor" decision making ability, such as accepting the findings of the MSAB to cut the phase 1 clinical trial short, and head to a phase 2 clinical trial.
bionicjoe, please the the quote function when posting your background, so that we can easily compare your background to Dr Mandel's background.
Thanking you in advance;
Background: Arkady Mandel
Dr. Arkady Mandel MD, PhD, DSc. has been the Chief Scientific Officer at Theralase Technologies Inc. since February 14, 2011 and has been its Interim CEO since February 2018. Dr. Mandel is one of the key founders of the therapeutic use of lasers in dermatology and other areas of clinical medicine, as well as the originator and developer of phototherapy methods that offer numerous benefits to patients throughout the world. With over 100 original papers and scientific monographs to his name, combined with over 200 international patents attributed to his research, Dr. Mandel is not only an esteemed medical professional and an internationally respected scientist, but also an experienced executive manage r of research and development teams dedicated to the field of biotechnology and drug development. Dr. Mandel earned his designation as a medical doctor from the Moscow StateMedical University in 1978. His medical residency included internships in: dermatology, infectious diseases, urology and venereal diseases at the Central Research Institute of Dermatology and Venerology in 1980, followed by a Ph.D. from the same institution in 1982. Dr. Mandel was then awarded, in recognition of his scientific knowledge, original research, publications and extensive contributions to the field of clinical medicine the highest academic research degree in science, that of a Doctor of Science. Dr. Mandel’s Doctor of Science accreditation majored in: biochemistry, microbiology, immunology, biophysics and photobiology and was awarded jointly from the Academy of Sciences and the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Public Health in 1989.