ACS: Colorectal Cancer Screening Should Start Earlier/EXASEXAS has really rallied on the recent news of the American Cancer Society recommending that screening for colorectal cancer start earlier at Age 45 (vs 50).
I previously posted this excert from the CRH 2017 Q1 Conference Call and I think it's worth reading again. according to company management, increased screening even through products like EXAS' Cologuard, are good for CRH as they create a need for deep sedation colonoscopies.
monty613 wrote: Prakash Gowd: Okay. Then lastly, Exact Sciences reported some strong numbers and they seem very bullish on Cologuard going forward this year. We still see a lot of confusion with investors about that product and where it fits in terms of the diagnostic and treatment paradigm for colorectal cancer. Clearly, you're on the ground discussing with GIs on a daily basis and in those discussions I'm just wondering if you can maybe highlight what the specialists think about the product and the basically where they might position it vis-a-vis colonoscopy.
Richard Bear: They see it as increase to access to colonoscopy. I'll take you back to a prior life of ID Biomedical; we were developing a nasal flu vaccine. All of our models, we were never going to taking away from the injectable market because there are people that just were freaked by a needle and nasal flu vaccine expanded the market. This is a very similar situation where you’ve got capsule endoscopy and Cologuard that expand the market. There are some people that, believe it or not, don’t want a device inserted into their body and so they want to go to an alternative method. Good news actually, for us, because a capsule or Cologuard cannot clip a polyp, and in a lot of cases a colonoscopy results in the clipping of a polyp and the biopsying of that polyp. So if more people are getting tested, either via capsule endoscopy or Cologuard, it’s positive because if they have a positive result they have to come in for a colonoscopy.