Nailbiter1 wrote: Good God, I hate spoon-feeding.
scorpio40 wrote: This is not rocket science, just google their name not pretty at all
Congrats on your 15 seconds of due diligence scorpio. 'Tis in your nature to sting without thinking.
Any lender dealing with small caps offer this type of financing.
Check out Laramide (LAM) and Niocorp (NB). They opted for this type of financing with Lind and it payed off. They were dead in the water but now, holding their own.
This was your big scary "Death Spiral" financing.
Such is not the case with the arrangement with Genenews.
Here's a bit of DD that I'll spoonfeed the local pantsh!ters on this board.
AIM just took over a failing lab. They recruited the lab personnel as well as the sales team.
They now have 20 sales reps being trained to push out tests. They have another possible 5 reps to recruit.
That will be 20 - 25 reps plus our own.
They presently serve 27 select US States. (13 of which are the Midwest states which we already cover).
So that means an additional 14 States for Genenews.
You can bet on one thing. They will be selling many more of our tests than we will of theirs.
Hey bed-wetters. Checked out the Oncimmune website lately? Try it. Take some time out of your cry-baby routine and you'll see that the new shiny EarlyCDT-liver test has finally been validated and just got released for sale.
Yup, we have CDT lung and now CDT liver will surely be the fifth test on our program.
James said we would carry it when released.
We have a ColonSentry publication coming as well as the ball-buster Aristotle publication.
Have we heard anything about the Midwest group lately? Lots of stuff for the Lind partners to watch.
We are on our way to becoming the first multi-disease diagnostics company in the US.
What kind of attention will this bring us?
My advice to Mandygirl, PutridFecalMatter1998, PacOCfaceplant and all the other Eunuchs is this. DO NOT INVEST!!!
It takes some big, brass cojones, thick skin and an iron stomach to endure.