GREY:AQARF - Post by User
Comment by
ekimon Jun 06, 2018 12:26pm
Post# 28132801
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Nice action
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Nice actionWith the history of the last 10 years since the global financial criss and the retracement of capital coming from the senior producers over that same has been hard for many of the smaller companies.
That being said it is very hard to objectively view a project from where it is today and what does the future look like without looking back at that same 10 year period I mentioned.
That is exactly what investors should do...but emotions are 100% at play here and that is almost next to impossible to do.
There will be a time when 'hard assets' are in vogue again...not just in fundamentals..but across the newslines as well.
Do you plan for that to happen? or do you expect the history of the last 10 years to repeat again?
Glass half full versus half empty. the long term...I am 100% on the glass half full side of the equation and if I look into my crystal ball...resources are going to be in limited supply worldwide and there will be wars break out because of this. People will die not because people don't want to is because they have nothing left to share.
That my friend is being negative about being optimistic.