Aphria looking at land in Colombia https://m.eltiempo.com/justicia/servicios/entrevista-a-aphria-una-empresa-de-marihuana-legal-que-llega-a-colombia-229118. Thankfully I'm fluent in Spanish, and this story is FILLED with info about Aphria'a plans in Colombia."
Tenemos previsto viajar a Chinchin (Caldas) para ver un terreno de aproximadamente 15 hectreas en el que queremos empezar a cultivar." They are looking at 15 hecters of land in Caldas, Colombia for a future greenhouse( Vic said they will use 20 Million for greenhouse, extraction facility.... They will be setting up oil extraction in Colombia and will do vertical integration. They hope to be the provider of Cannabis to South American countries...Seeds will come to Canada and they have license.